Monday, May 21, 2012

NES 8-bit Google Maps April Fools Prank Goes Viral

NES 8-bit Google Maps April Fools Prank Goes Viral


Socialeaf | Peter Del Bosque | 03/31/2012 3:39PM

If you decide to visit Google Maps, you will quickly notice there is a button on the top left corner that allows you to switch between Earth view, satellite view, map view and now, 8-bit view. If you choose 8-bit view, and I suggest you do, the entire map will transform into an 8-bit style NES video game. What an amazing harmless prank Google has mustered up.

socialeaf, google, androidsocialeaf, area 51

Several features I wish would have been implemented are, 8-bit sound and 8-bit street view. I would love to see what an 8-bit version of my house would look like or what Disneyland looks like in 8-bit street view mode. Also, it would have been really cool to be able to interact with the map as if it were a real game like the retro Pokemon or Final Fantasy NES and SNES games. The ability to travel around my neighborhood on foot slaying strange beasts along the way would be epic. Then, when you only have half a heart left, you could go to the nearest Starbucks to replenish your life. You could purchase weapons at 8-bit sporting goods stores and also interact with people around town that really exist and are also online playing along, all-the-while listening to the cool 8-bit sounds of your neighborhood. Maybe the music could be the most popular in your area according to Pandora and converted to 8-bit sound of course.

Google has also included Easter eggs hidden throughout their 8-bit map system. Easter Eggs are cool little images that one would not normally find if they had not been strategically placed there on purpose. People around the globe can search for hidden Easter eggs in Google 8-bit maps. For example if you search for Mt. Everest, you will find an 8-bit Yeti image. Some of the Easter eggs have already been found and many Redditors have posted their findings on Reddit. Who knows what you'll find if you only look.

socialeaf, mt. fujisocialeaf, the lochness monsterPhotobucket

Below is a cool little video about the NES 8-bit version of Google maps. It made me laugh, I hope it makes you laugh too.

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